Next Payments Donates to the Pakistan Floods
November 10, 2022
Mid this year, torrential monsoon rains triggered the most severe flooding in Pakistan’s recent history. Washing away villages, the floods left almost 10 million children in need of immediate, lifesaving support, and at an increased risk of drowning, water-borne diseases, and malnutrition. The provinces of Sindh and Balochistan received 784% and 500% more rainfall than the August average, respectively.
Hundreds of thousands of homes were destroyed, alongside many public health facilities, water systems and schools severely damaged. The extreme weather event caused around 1,700 deaths, 12,800 injuries, and has displaced over 2.1 million individuals.
Following this devastating news, Next Payments’ executive leadership team worked to identify a not-for-profit organisation operating on the ground in Pakistan. From here, Next Payments contributed $10,000 to the chosen organisation, to assist with the relief and rehabilitation activities it has been conducting in the affected communities.
At Next Payments, we value supporting our communities and are glad to extend this motive into the global sphere. We take our social responsibility seriously and are always looking for opportunities to make a positive difference through our social impact.
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